====== PlayGround ======
a place to try out dokuwiki functionality
===== Comment plugin This block has commented text =====
Before /* Inside */ After (the text "Inside" should not be visible)
There should NOT be a table after this
/* Commented out
^ col1 ^ col2 ^
| val1 | val2 |
There should NOT be a table before this
===== Discussion plugin =====
===== some notes from Scott =====
* https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:pageredirect might be useful when re-organizing pages
* see also FAQ on renaming pages https://www.dokuwiki.org/faq:howto-rename-pages
* cf https://www.dokuwiki.org/namespaces#how_to_rename_namespaces
* http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wiki.dokuwiki.general/8606 offers an interesting recipe on how to transclude materials from dokuwiki into wordpress, could be useful for pushing common documentation or other materials to all CMSS sites; see also http://wordpress.org/plugins/dw2wp/
* http://thedeadone.net/download/getting-dokuwiki-to-use-wordpress-authentication/ article on getting dokuwiki to use wordpress login credentials; ideally both (and other systems) work off of an LDAP server instead
* [[cooperative:playground:playground]]
===== some notes from Robin =====
=== Diagrams ===
+--------+ +-------+ +-------+
| | --+ ditaa +--> | |
| Text | +-------+ |diagram|
|Document| |!magic!| | |
| {d}| | c478 | | |
+---+----+ +-------+ +-------+
| ^
| Lots of work |
=== Test link fixing ===
* [[playground]] qualified playground, no text
* [[playground]] unqualified playground, no text
* [[playground|Playground with text]]
* [[playground|Unqualified playground with text]]
===== some notes from kifty (markdown_to_dokuwiki.py test) =====
==== Download DAISY audiobooks ====
**OS:** allunknownLineBreak**Tools:** Victor Reader Stream
- To collect your DAISY book from the CALS catalogue, search for the title you are looking for or browse the list.
- Follow the links to the bibliographic entry and the link to the download.
- This will open a new window with details about the download.
- To access the DAISY book, you will need to locate the file and unzip it with Archive Utility software.
- This should make file available to burn to disc, transfer to a player, or play on your computer.
For player help, see [[http://www.???.com|the tutorial on using your Victor Reader Stream]].
=== Transfer DAISY books to the Victor Reader Stream ===
- Find and select the folder with your unzipped DAISY book files
- Copy the selected folder usually the log name of the file. e.g. ''20130717134522_AprilRaintree.zip''
- Connect your Stream cable to the computer with your DAISY files or put the SD card of our stream into the computer
- Locate the card and double click
- Locate the ''$VRDTB Talking Book'' folder and open it.
- Paste the DAISY book folder at that location and wait for it to copy over.
- Disconnect your device following the steps to safely remove hardware.
- The book is on the Stream bookshelf now.
For more information on the Victor Reader Stream vist the [[http://www.humanware.com/en-canada/products/blindness/dtb_players/compact_models|Humanware site]].
Additional sofware for managing files on the Stream, including the Stream Companion, can be found on HumanWare's [[http://support.humanware.com/en-usa/support/victor_reader_stream|support page]].
====== Foo ======