Extract Images from PDF Files

The accessible e-text version of a book needs to include the original ebook's images. To preserve the original image quality, we need to first extract the images from the original ebook and then insert them into the Word document.

Sometimes you will have a PDF book instead of an EPUB book. The process to extract the images is different from the process for an EPUB.

There are two ways to extract images: taking screenshots, or converting to a .docx file and extracting the images from the new file.


When you save the images from the PDF file ensure they are save as one of the following formats: gif, jpeg, or png. If they are not in this format they will not be compatible with conversion and you will need to redo all the images.

For Mac:

For PC:

Mouse and Keyboard

Keyboard Only

Alt + M is available only with the latest update to Windows 10

You can learn more about the snipping tool at Windows Support: Use snipping tool to capture screenshots.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

This option is only available in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and not the online version.

Converting PDF to Word Document

If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or Adobe Acrobat Pro you can easily convert the PDF to a .docx file to extract the images.

First, Convert PDF to .docx

Next Extract Images from .docx

Now that you have your word file you can extract your images.