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public:nnels:mp3todaisy:edit_all_track_names_page [2024/07/31 08:47]
rachel.osolen [Edit All Track Names Page]
public:nnels:mp3todaisy:edit_all_track_names_page [2024/08/01 08:35] (current)
rachel.osolen [Edit All Track Names Page]
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 You can use the navigation links at the bottom of the page to navigate back to the Set Play Order page, or the main Project Page. You can use the navigation links at the bottom of the page to navigate back to the Set Play Order page, or the main Project Page.
-<note tip>There is a custom short key for navigating the Edit All Track Table. This is not screen reader specific and can also be used by non-screen reader users. When focus is in one of the edit fields in the table you can use the following short key depending on your operating system:+<note tip>There are custom shortcut keys for navigating the Edit All Track Table. This is not screen reader specific and can also be used by non-screen reader users. When focus is in one of the edit fields in the table you can use the following shortcut keys depending on your operating system:
   * PC: Alt+Shift+Arrow keys to move in the corresponding direction   * PC: Alt+Shift+Arrow keys to move in the corresponding direction
   * Mac: Option+Shift+Arrow keys to move in the corresponding direction   * Mac: Option+Shift+Arrow keys to move in the corresponding direction
-With JAWS, sometimes feedback is not reliable but the cursor does move. If you get stuck. press JAWS key+tab to read the current cell and then one of the movement keys and it should move. If this does not work, you can tab to the next cell and shift tab back, then use the short key as described above.+With JAWS, sometimes feedback is not reliable but the cursor does move. If it does not read the cell you have moved to, press JAWS key+tab to read the current cell and then one of the movement keys and it should indicate the change of focus. If this does not work, you can tab to the next cell and shift tab back, then use the shortcut key as described above.
-If JAWS has not read the cell you are in, you can press JAWS key+Up Arrow to read it for you.</note>+If JAWS has not read the content of the cell you are in, you can press JAWS key+Up Arrow to read the current line for you.</note>
 <note tip>Review your edits at least twice to ensure you caught everything before moving onto the final step.</note> <note tip>Review your edits at least twice to ensure you caught everything before moving onto the final step.</note>
public/nnels/mp3todaisy/edit_all_track_names_page.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/01 08:35 by rachel.osolen