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Comic Book/Graphic Novel Description: Introduction

Welcome to the Comic Book / Graphic Novel Description area of the NNELS Wiki! Since receiving a request for an accessible version of The Walking Dead comic book in July of 2017, we have been working on developing a standardized approach to creating “Described Comic Books”. We have taken cues from the standards and guidelines that exist for Audio Description of TV, movies, theatre, art, and dance (see Resources), and have added a wide array of information that is specific to comic books and Alt-text description guidelines. Comic books have a unique way of telling stories that goes beyond the words and pictures on the page, and the guidelines presented here should aid in the creation of description that makes this visual form of storytelling accessible to people with visual impairments and blindness.

As with most other things on the Wiki, everything in this area is open to discussion and improvement, and feedback is always welcome. We hope you have fun exploring, asking questions, and creating unique pieces of media for our readers!

Before diving into the sections listed below, you might want to read through a short comic written to showcase many of the guidelines in action. Please click here to download and read NNELS-Zilla!

This first draft of the documentation is based on work done for transcribing The Walking Dead comics. We did our best to create a set of guidelines that can help PA's when transcribing other comics, but do realize that there are many different styles of comics that may bend, or go beyond, the documentation. In these cases it is always best to search for feedback from your team, and always ask the question 'Does this help the narration?'
public/nnels/comics/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 22:04 (external edit)