[French: À propos de ce livre numérique]
For every text include the following information in the Front Matter section of the book just prior to the copyright information.
About this digital book [this should be a Heading 1 style]
This digital book has been produced for the National Network for Equitable Library Service, NNELS, in [month, year e.g. April, 2017].
This digital book allows you to navigate directly to the headings within it. You can access these headings by using the navigation controls on your playback device.
There are [insert number] levels of headings [and page navigation] in this digital book. Level 1 indicates top level, [type e.g. Chapter] headings. [Level 2 indicates…]
French version:
À propos de ce livre numérique [heading 1]
Ce livre numérique a été produit pour le Réseau national des services équitables de bibliothèque, RNSEB, en novembre 2017.
Ce livre numérique vous permet de naviguer directement aux titres. Vous pouvez utiliser les commandes de navigation sur votre lecteur numérique pour accéder à ces titres.
Il y a un niveau de titre dans ce livre. Le premier niveau indique les titres des sections.
Il y a deux niveaux des titres dans ce libre. Le premier niveau indique les titres des sections, et le deuxième niveau indique les titres des chapitres.
This is a sample "About This Digital Book" excerpt for a book with 3 levels of headings and the print page numbers preserved:
This digital book has been produced for the National Network for Equitable Library Service, NNELS, in January, 2018.
This digital book allows you to navigate directly to the headings within it. You can access these headings by using the navigation controls on your playback device.
There are three levels of headings in this digital book. Level 1 indicates top level, title, and section headings. Level 2 indicates chapter headings, and level three indicates subsections within the chapters.
This is a sample of the section for a book with Secondary Content
This digital book has been produced for the National Network for Equitable Library Service, NNELS, in January, 2018.
This digital book allows you to navigate directly to the headings within it. You can access these headings by using the navigation controls on your playback device.
There are five levels of headings in this digital book. Level 1 indicates top level, title, and section headings. Level 2 indicates chapter headings, and level 3 to five indicate subsections within the chapters.