Exporting a Book

If something seems off in the information on this page, stop what you are doing and do not Export it. You will need to Hand to Rachel for her to look at the file. An example of something wrong includes a very short run time. If everything looks good then continue to export.

Once you are finished reordering and renaming the tracks, and you have updated all the metadata, you can now export the book before you pass it to QA for Quality Assurance.

To get started:

On the top of the Export the Project there are some basic stats about the file:

On this page you can:

If you are asked to compress the quality of the title, go to Compress Quality

If you are not asked to compress the quality, go to Export the File

If you have made any revisions to the project, go to Re-export After Changes to Project

Sometimes the file can not be compressed to fit on a CD. If this is the case:
  1. A phrase on the export page will read: This project is too large to fit on a single CD. Unfortunately, no audio presets are available to make it so. Before continuing, please explore external compression options that may reduce the number of CD's required.
  2. Select Export as usual without compression. For more information go to Export

Navigate back to Exporting a Book and Passing to QA