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This procedure will guide you through the account setup on M365. I try to be as specific as possible, but since M365 is software as a service, they can change things at any time. If something here isn't working as expected, please let Kev know and they will fix the documentation.

You will receive an email with your login information to be used here.

For now, these instructions are accurate for logins from both Windows and non-Windows browsers (as Microsoft sometimes leverages non-standard functionality in Windows browsers that can cause changes to the process). There are a couple of extra dialogue boxes presented at the end of the process on Windows, but those just require "OK/Next" responses.

The main page, logged out state; "Sign in" is near the top-right corner of the screen, to the right of a "Try premium" button.

First, navigate to and click "Sign in".

The sign-in dialogue, highlighting as the entered username.

Your username is your full email address. For BC Libraries Co-operative emails, the format is For NNELS, it's If you formerly had a different format of email (, for example) an alias has been provided and you can safely log in using the new format, knowing your messages to the old format address will still arrive.

The password prompt dialogue, highlighting several dots representing an entered password.

Enter the password that you were given in the on-boarding email. You will be required to change your password later.

A "More information required" dialogue, reading "Your organisation needs more information to keep your account secure". The Next button is highlighted. A "Keep your account secure" dialogue, including prompts for the selection of a country code and a text box for the input of a phone number. The latter two items are highlighted.

We require verification via SMS/text message during the on-boarding procedure. This is also possible to continue to use as an MFA (multi-factor authentication) method, though we recommend the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone for long-term use. Go to to complete setup of multi-factor authentication.

Enter the six-digit code you received in SMS. If you cannot access SMS, please contact Kev or Scott, as they can help find ways forward.

Another "Keep your account secure" dialogue, reading "Phone: We just sent a 6 digit code to +1 6043475349. Enter the code below". There is a random code entered in the text input box and that is highlighted. Another "Keep your account secure" dialogue, reading "Your organisation requires you to set up the following methods of proving who you are. Phone: SMS verified. Your phone was registered successfully." The Next button is highlighted. Another "Keep your account secure" dialogue, reading "Your organisation requires you to set up the following methods of proving who you are. Success! Great job! You have successfully set up your security info. Choose 'Done' to continue signing in. Default sing-in method: Phone +1 6043475349." The Done button is highlighted.

Decide whether you want a cookie set in your browser to keep you logged in, or whether you want website authentication to work as normal.

Note that M365 will log you out on occasion and/or re-prompt you for MFA tokens from time to time. This is for security reasons. The intent is to keep anyone who steals your device from being able to sustain access to the shared resources on M365. If you have difficulties with the MFA process, please contact Kev or Scott, as they can help find ways forward.

A screenshot of the Outlook web interface showing an empty mailbox.

Ta-da! Now you're into your email. Your email will be there, waiting for you. Please have a look through your inbox and make sure it's more or less as you're expecting it.

Alternate route

If you currently have Office 365 installed, you can do the following using Word and Outlook instead:

First, log your current user out of Word. We need to use Word before we can use Outlook, for some reason.


Microsoft Word open with a "Sign in to set up Office" dialogue up, prompting the user to "Sign in" or "Create account". "Sign in" is highlighted.

Your M365 account already exists, so click "Sign in" to continue.

An "Activate Office" dialogue with entered as a username, highlighted.

Your username is your full email address. For BC Libraries Co-operative emails, the format is For NNELS, it's If you formerly had a different format of email (, for example) an alias has been provided and you can safely log in using the new format, knowing your messages to the old format address will still arrive.

A password entry dialogue with several dots representing an entered password. The dots are highlighted.

Enter the password that you were given in the on-boarding email. You will be required to change your password later.

A dialogue displaying "More information required: Your organisation needs more information to keep your account secure". The Next button is highlighted. A "Keep your account secure" dialogue reading "Your organisation requires you to set up the following methods of proving who you are. Phone: You can prove who you are by texting a code to your phone. What phone number would you like to use?" Below that are a drop-down selector for selecting a country and a text entry field for a phone number. The selector and text entry field are highlighted.

We require verification via SMS/text message during the on-boarding procedure. This is also possible to continue to use as an MFA (multi-factor authentication) method, though we recommend the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone for long-term use. (TODO: link from here to the MFA setup instructions)

A "Keep your account secure" dialogue reading "Your organisation requires you to set up the following methods of proving who you are. Phone: We just sent a 6 digit code to +1 6043475349. Enter the code below". A text entry field contains 127465, representing the entered code. The code is highlighted.

Enter the six-digit code you received in SMS. If you cannot access SMS, please contact Kev or Scott, as they can help find ways forward.

A "Keep your account secure" dialogue reading "Your organisation requires you to set up the following methods of proving who you are. Phone: SMS verified. Your phone was registered successfully." The Next button is highlighted. A "Keep your account secure" dialogue reading "Your organisation requires you to set up the following methods of proving who you are. Success! Great job! You have successfully set up your security info. Choose 'Done' to continue signing in. Default sign-in method: Phone +1 6043475349". The Done button is highlighted. An "Update your password" dialogue reading "You need to update your password because this is the first time you are signing in, or because your password has expired." Three text entry fields have dots, representing entered current, new, and new verification passwords entered. The dots are highlighted.

Please enter your assigned starting password as the current password, then a password of your choice, then click Sign in.

A "Stay signed in to all your apps" dialogue reading "Windows will remember your account and automatically sign you in to your apps and websites on this device." There is a checkbox labelled "Allow my organisation to manage my device" which is checked by default but is *NOT* checked in the diagram; it is highlighted to indicate to UNcheck the checkbox.

Please UNcheck "Allow my organisation to manage my device". Please do not leave this checkbox checked; it is not our intention or desire to manage your device. Please deselect it before hitting the OK button.

A "You're all ready!" dialogue reading "We've added your account successfully. You now have access to your organisation's apps and services." The Done button is highlighted. Trivia: this is the first time they've spelled "organisation" correctly in this method, even though my OS and apps are all British English. A "Your privacy matters" dialogue reading "Thanks for using Office. Your organisation has given you the ability to use optional cloud-backed experiences. You get to decide whether you use these experiences. To provide optional connected experiences, Office collects required service data. [Learn more] These optional cloud-backed services are provided to you under the Microsoft Services Agreement. [Microsoft Services Agreement] To adjust your optional connected experiences, go to: [File > Account > Account Privacy]" In the top-left corner of the screen, it's noted that Word is currently unlicensed. The Close button is highlighted. The welcome screen of Microsoft Word, entitled "Good afternoon". It shows available templates, a search, and an empty list of recent documents in addition to buttons for Home, New, and Open in the left column. Account, Feedback, and Options links are near the bottom-left of the screen. The same screen as in the last picture, but the top-left corner of the screen no longer shows the "unlicensed" label.

Initially, you may see an "unlicensed product" indication after you're done signing in. It can take a few minutes and/or quitting and restarting the app a few times to make that label disappear.

Now you can open Outlook:

The Outlook welcome screen, with the email address entered as a username. The username is highlighted.

Enter your username. Your password is not required, as you are logged into other Office applications already (Word).

An Outlook dialogue displaying "Account successfully added: Microsoft 365:". There is a text box giving the option to add another email address. None is necessary. Under that, there is a checkbox labelled "Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too" and the checkbox is deselected and highlighted, to indicate the checkbox should be deselected, even though it defaults to selected.

If you do not wish to set up Outlook Mobile on your phone or mobile device, please uncheck the checkbox above the Done button. We recommend unchecking this if you are unsure.

The Microsoft Outlook main screen, including a blue tutorial dialogue and a notification reading "Microsoft Outlook: Outlook is setting up a local copy of your mailbox. It may be several minutes until all of your data is available."

And you're in, with access to your email! Depending on the size of your mailbox, it may take several minutes to an hour or more make local copies of your email messages.

public/ms365/onboarding.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 22:04 (external edit)