On this page you will find a basic checklist for the overall workflow for reformatting a book.
Note this is just a general overview, not everything on this list will be something that exists in the book you are working on, and there could be items missing from this list. Remember to check over the main wiki page for all the book sections. If there is something that is unclear or missing please post it on the
Production Q&A page.
Check original for use of
emphasis and apply as required.
If notes exist, reinsert all notes as
Check original for use of
lists, and reinsert as required
Check original for
blockquotes and reinsert as required.
Tables exist, reformat as required
symbols exist, reformat as required
hyperlinks exist, check and reformat as required
If book contains multiple
languages, check and format as required.
Create Google doc for writing, feedback, and revisions. See
Getting Started
After you have completed your work, you can run the built in Accessibility Checker for MS Word. This can help you find any mistakes you may have made. Be aware: it flags somethings are wrong, when they are correct, and does not catch all the issues. It is fairly robust, and can assist you as a final check before you pass a ticket back for review. For more information, please go to the MS Word documentation for
Improve accessibility with the Accessibility Checker. If you have any questions, ask in the
Production Q&A!
Spacing is also important for accessibility. Ensure that you remove:
TAB characters used to provide indentation
Multiple Paragraph ‘Return’ characters (¶) used to provide spacing between paragraphs
Newline breaks (↵)
Multiple SPACE characters
If any of this exists in the document, then it is not properly formatted with styles. You will need to remove these spaces. See Find & Replace for more instructions.
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