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public:nnels:etext:author-citation-styles [2018/08/16 22:06] external edit
public:nnels:etext:author-citation-styles [2024/05/08 22:04] (current)
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-=====Author & Citation Styles=====+=====Author & Citation Style=====
 Things like [[public:nnels:etext:epigraph|epigraphs]], [[public:nnels:etext:quotations|block quotations]], and [[public:nnels:etext:back-cover|book reviews]] will often be followed by an attribution, either to an author or some other source. Things like [[public:nnels:etext:epigraph|epigraphs]], [[public:nnels:etext:quotations|block quotations]], and [[public:nnels:etext:back-cover|book reviews]] will often be followed by an attribution, either to an author or some other source.
-The epigraph, block quote, and book review should be formatted using the **Blockquote (DAISY)** style from the NNELS Template, and the attribution should be formatted using the **Author (DAISY)** style or the **Citation (DAISY)** style, depending on what is appropriate.+The epigraph, block quote, and book review should be formatted using the ''Quote'' style in the Word Style Pane, and the attribution should be formatted using the a custom style ''Citation''. See [[public:nnels:etext:quotations|Blockquotes & Quotations]] for more on using the ''Quote'' style.
-Use the **Author (DAISY)** style when there is only an author name, and the **Citation (DAISY)** style when the source includes a person's name //and// the name of a work (or just the name of a work). See example in the Q&A below.+To create a new style: 
 +  Select ''New Style...'' from Styles Pane 
 +  This opens up a pop up window for the New Style 
 +  Change name to ''Citation'' 
 +  For ''Style Based On'' select ''Normal'' 
 +  Select ''OK''
-The **Author (DAISY)** style is also used in [[public:nnels:etext:poetry|poetry]], to mark the name of the author.+Style all Author and Citations with this style.
-=====Q&A=====+<note>Make sure full citation is on a single line, and there are no paragraph spaces. Replace paragraph break with comma to separate name from resource title.</note>
-**Q: Is it appropriate to use the "Author" style for marking up the source of an epigraph? The source is not an author, but text ("Emmanuel's Book")**+<note important>Make sure that the citation and quote style are separate. If the citation/author is on the same line as the quoteseparate it by single paragraph break and then apply the styles. This will ensure there is no doubling of styles and will avoid any issues in conversion to EPUB3. [[|Here is a link to a tutorial showing you how to do this.]]</note>
-A: The "Author" style should be used to mark up the source of an epigraph when that source is the name of a person. If the source includes a name of a person __and__ the name of a workor just the name of the source (i.e. it's a citation) then we should use the "Citation" style.  +<note tip>If you have any questionspost your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:q_a|Production Q&A]] 
- +</note>
-For example, we should mark the entire quote below with "Blockquote" style and then mark the author's name with the "Author" style.  +
-   +
-     "It is a certainty that the free market will always generate greater +
-     wealth for the main players than will a planned economy. The question is, +
-     at what cost?" +
-     Virginia Hamilton Anderson +
-      +
-If the source includes extra information (more than just a name), then we must mark up the text with the "Citation" style. The Citation style marks a reference or citation to another source. +
- +
-For example, we would mark Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland with the "Citation" style+
- +
-    "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." +
-    Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland+
 +[[public:nnels:etext:start|Return to main eText Page]]
public/nnels/etext/author-citation-styles.1534482398.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/16 22:06 by