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How to Extract Images from Files

Sometimes during conversion to .doc format, or when clearing styles, images get lost. On this page you will find instructions on how to extract images from different files.

If you have any questions, post your question on the Alt-Text Q&A

How to Crop Images

Sometimes you will need to crop the images after you extract them. This usually only happens with FXL (fixed layout) titles. More often it happens with books that have a two page spread.

After you extract the files using one of the above methods:

  • Open PIXLR in your browser (it's free)
  • Choose either option for photo editing and select Launch
  • Select Open Image
  • Locate file you need to crop and select open
  • Use the crop tool to drag the frame to where you need to crop the image.
  • Hit Return or Enter on you keyboard
  • The image should now be cropped
  • Save the image as follows:
    • File name: Name it something you will remember. For example: BookTitle_Page01
    • File type: JPG
    • Quality: High
  • Select Download
  • Save the file to a new folder for the images for that book. For example: BookTitle Images. This way you will have all the files in the same spot and with file names that you can easily understand

Here is a quick tutorial on how to do this:

Do this for all the images that need cropping. After you are done you can insert the images into the Doc file.

public/nnels/etext/extracting_images_ebooks.1663782251.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/21 10:44 by rachel.osolen