This is an old revision of the document!
On this page you will find fixes for odd file issues. They come up rarely, but when they do they can be a pain to fix. If you have any weirdness you would like to add to this page, please do! If you are not comfortable posting on the wiki, then send the directions to the Production Coordinator and they will put them up.
This issue comes up very rarely, and seems to mainly be from PDF conversions from small publishers.
The pages are in Landscape Orientation, and have no margins. The image are also not saved in the document as pictures, but as objects. Basically, this makes for a tricky fix.
This video shows you how to fix it in an order that will not drive you nuts.
Below are the written directions:
Sometimes, after conversion, a book may have miniscule text-boxes. They can be hard to notice, and might be caught in only a few ways, such as:
If you notice that you have paragraphs that lack clarity, but do not appear to be hiding a text box, try this test:
Figure 1: If you look closely, you might be able to tell that the text of the second paragraph is slightly pixelated around the edges of the letters. This is a sign that there is something hidden in this paragraph.
This is how the text box (to the left of the second paragraph, beneath the object anchor) appears after the "Select text-box" + Tab" move; notice the object anchor and, just below it, the selected text box – or, at least some of the box's handles!
Q: If there are phrases used within the text that indicate the motion of turning a page, for example, should we edit them to reflect the digital format? For example, in Rich Man, Poor Man after the book ends, it states "Turn the page to start reading the follow-up to Rich Man, Poor Man" - I was considering changing this to something along the lines of: "Continue reading for the follow-up to Rich Man, Poor Man" - is this the correct thing to do? - Jenn
A: Interesting situation! I would suggest we remove this page entirely from our version of the book.