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public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images [2023/05/29 18:36]
rachel.osolen [Graphs and Charts]
public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images [2024/09/04 20:09] (current)
rachel.osolen [Common Image Types]
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 <note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note> <note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note>
-======How to Write Long Descriptions====== +<note tip>Go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:writing_tip_point_form|Writing Tip: Using Point Form Technique]] for a breakdown on how you can start the writing process</note>
- +
-The complex descriptions must also follow the standard Alt-text guidelines (though it will be longer than 2-3 sentences). +
-  * Use as few words as possible. Be clear and precise. +
-  * Be consistent and balanced in your descriptions. Most long descriptions are not narrative and are more repetitive than general Alt-Text. This helps the reader keep track of the data and information without getting lost. +
-<note>Writing balanced sentences can help avoid cognitive overload. Learn more at [[|Balanced Sentences]].</note> +
-  * Know your audience. If it is a fantasy novel map, a more narrative style would work for the description. But if it is a map in a textbook, then a be less narrative focusing on the data and facts. +
-  * Focus on the data and not on extraneous visual elements. Don’t describe every detail. +
-<note>If the visual elements are important to understanding the image then describe what they stand for instead of their shape. For example, a dotted line could represent a railway, so state it is railway instead of describing the line. When in doubt, [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|ask on the Q&A!]]</note>  +
-  * The reader should be able to understand the description in one reading. +
-  * Start with a brief description, followed by more specific information. This allows the reader to get the initial concept and read further if desired. +
-  * Use multiple modalities when necessary. Some content is better converted to tables or lists than being provided in a narrative description. +
- +
-A strategy we use is to break the image up into its component parts, and then organize them so that the description makes logical sense. +
- +
-There are a couple of techniques you can use to breakdown a complex description: +
-  * ''Quadrants'': divide the image into 4 quadrants. Top and bottom, left and right. +
-  * ''Compass'': divide the image by North-South-East-West. This is most commonly used for Maps. +
-  * ''Clock'': divide the image by the times of clock. This is most commonly used for images that have the main focus in the center of the image. +
- +
-The type of breakdown will depend on the context, audience, and type of image. Sometimes you will have to experiment with which one works the best for your complex description. By breaking down a complex image into sections you can take the reader on a journey. Remember, you need to be able to walk your reader through the image in a logical order, and you need to be able to recreate the image without looking at it. Using this approach helps to create an immersive experience for the reader. Editing will be important with complex images, go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:how_to_edit_alt-text|Editing Alt-text]] for more information.  +
- +
-<note>Sometimes doing a table or nested list can be too complicated, and it might be better to use a narrative description. It can potentially remove relationships between data, spatial data, etc.. +
- +
- +
-A good rule to follow is that all tables need a header row and are used for tabular data. If that fits the image you are describing then use a table. Go to [[public:nnels:etext:tables|Tables]] for more info. +
- +
- +
-If you are using lists, you can also use a more narrative style with the list by adding relational information to the data in the lists.</note> +
- +
-<note tip>We recommend you check out the DAISY webinars on Complex Descriptions. You can find the links in the [[public:nnels:etext:images:resources|Resources section]]. You can also find multiple examples in [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples|Alt-Text Samples]].</note> +
- +
-<note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note>+
-======Getting Started=====+======Getting Started======
 For images that require more complex or extended descriptions we create two descriptions: For images that require more complex or extended descriptions we create two descriptions:
Line 69: Line 37:
 <note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note> <note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note>
-This is the most common complex image you will come across in your work. Again, context will also help you out a lot in your description. Below are the general guidelines for how to describe a map.+======How to Write Long Descriptions======
-  * Include the Name/Title of the Map and a Description of the Legend 
-  * It is not necessary to describe types of lines/colour-coding and images when this information can be described using the information the legend conveys.  
-  * Aim for clarity, even if detail is sacrificed. Focus on the information that is relevant in the greater context of the book. 
-  * Ask yourself: What is this Map telling the reader? Only describe what is necessary to convey the intended meaning of the map. This will vary. 
-Spatial relationships are very important in maps. The reader needs to know where they are and where they are going within the description. The most common way to break down map is with the compass technique, but this also is dependent on context. If you have a map that has a central focus, then the clock technique might be better. You also might find it easier to use the quadrant method. Again, you may have to experiment as you are writing. Remember it has to walk the reader through the image, and be recreated based on the description alone.+<note tip>Go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:writing_tip_point_form|Writing Tip: Using Point Form Technique]] for breakdown on how you can start the writing process</note>
-<note>Do not simply list places on a map. This removes all spatial information, and can be meaningless to the reader.</note>+The complex descriptions must also follow the standard Alt-text guidelines (though it will be longer than 2-3 sentences). 
 +  * Breakdown the image into smaller parts and organize it in a logical order (you may have to experiment with which technique works best: Quadrant, Compass, or Clock. See below for more details about breaking down an image.) 
 +  * Start with a brief description, followed by more specific information. This allows the reader to get the initial concept and read further if desired. 
 +  * Be consistent and balanced in your descriptions. Most long descriptions are not narrative and are more repetitive than general Alt-Text. This helps the reader keep track of the data and information without getting lost. 
 +<note>Writing balanced sentences can help avoid cognitive overload. Learn more at [[|Balanced Sentences]].</note> 
 +  * Know your audience. If it is fantasy novel map, a more narrative style would work for the descriptionBut if it is a map in a textbookthen a be less narrative focusing on the data and facts. 
 +  * Details are important and so is consistency in terminology across all images in a book or chapter (you can pull terminology from the surrounding text). 
 +  * Focus on the data and not on extraneous visual elements. Don’t describe every detail.If the visual elements are important to understanding the image, then describe what they stand for instead of their shape. For example, a dotted line could represent a railway, so state it is railway instead of describing the line. 
 +  * If a graph, chart, or other type of visualization has an intentional visual impact, you should include that in your description, just don’t get bogged down or lost in the details. 
 +  * Use multiple modalities when necessary. Some content is better converted to tables or lists than being provided in a narrative description. 
 +  * The reader should be able to understand the description in one reading. If you organized it properly, they will be able to navigate back and forth through the data with confidence.
-See examples on [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#maps|Samples of Alt Text: Maps]]+=====Breaking Down Image into Smaller Parts=====
-More tips on [[|writing text descriptions for maps]].+A strategy we use is to break the image up into its component parts, and then organize them so that the description makes logical sense.
-We also recommend checking out the DAISY webinars on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:resources|Resources page]].+There are a couple of techniques you can use to breakdown a complex description: 
 +  * ''Quadrants''divide the image into 4 quadrants. Top and bottom, left and right. 
 +  * ''Compass''divide the image by North-South-East-West. This is most commonly used for Maps. 
 +  * ''Clock''divide the image by the times of a clock. This is most commonly used for images that have the main focus in the center of the image.
-<note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note>+The type of breakdown will depend on the context, audience, and type of image. Sometimes you will have to experiment with which one works the best for your complex description. By breaking down a complex image into sections you can take the reader on a journey. Remember, you need to be able to walk your reader through the image in a logical order, and you need to be able to recreate the image without looking at it. Using this approach helps to create an immersive experience for the reader. Editing will be important with complex images, go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:how_to_edit_alt-text|Editing Alt-text]] for more information. 
-=====Graphs and Charts=====+<note>Sometimes doing a table or nested list can be too complicated, and it might be better to use a narrative description. It can potentially remove relationships between data, spatial data, etc..
-Not all graphs require a long description. More simple graphs and charts can be easily described in 3-4 sentences and can go directly into the Alt-text. When they do need a long description it is important to focus on the facts and data more than any visual elements.  
-As with maps, ask what is this chart saying? To help answer this question, review the context surrounding the graph.+A good rule to follow is that all tables need a header row and are used for tabular data. If that fits the image you are describing then use a table. Go to [[public:nnels:etext:tables|Tables]] for more info.
-Are there any striking visual trends in this chart? Remember that charts and graphs are used to give visual impact to data, so summarizing that at the beginning of your description is a good idea. 
-Begin by providing the title of the graphand its main purpose (if it is not clear from the title). Then, describe the its structure and design before going into detail, including the type of graph, and the information on the X and Y axesYou want the reader to understand the layout and larger pieces before describing finer details!+If you are using listsyou can also use a more narrative style with the list by adding relational information to the data in the lists.</note>
-If possible, include the data in a table in a long description.+<note tip>We recommend you check out the DAISY webinars on Complex Descriptions. You can find the links in the [[public:nnels:etext:images:resources|Resources section]]. You can also find multiple examples in [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples|Alt-Text Samples]].</note>
-<note>For unitsuse the full word instead of shortened/abbreviated forms (i.e., Use “seconds” instead of “s”), and ensure units are described consistently throughout the description</note>+<note tip>If you have any questionspost your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note>
-See examples on [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts|Samples of Alt-Text:Graphs and Charts: Short Descriptions]] or [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts1|Samples of Alt-text: Graphs and Charts Long Descriptions]]+=====Using Multiple Modalities=====
-Remember: +Organization of data and information is paramountOften this requires multiple modalities.
-  * Describe only the visual features that convey meaning. Including implied visual impact. +
-  * Focus on the meaning of symbols and not their appearance. +
-  * If the chart is about relationships, describe the relationships and not the symbols. +
-  * This is something that happens more with flowcharts and family trees, you don’t have to describe all the arrows and lines, instead describe the relationships and take advantage of multiple modalities! Lists, nested lists, and even subheadings can help with these types of charts.+
-Below are the more common Graphs and Charts you will come across.+Common usage of multiple modalities: 
 +  * ''Graphs, Charts, Trees'' (and other data heavy images) will require a link to an accessible table of the data. 
 +  * ''Diagrams, Science Illustrations, Paintings'' will most likely require a link to a list of the data or information in the image. (Note: You need to do more than simply make a list. You need to include relational information.) 
 +  * ''Maps, Complex Painting and Illustrations'' will usually require paragraph breaks, but sometimes can use lists. This depends on the context.
-====Bar Charts====+Multiple modalities can really help with organizing the informational structure of the image in a way that will avoid cognitive overload.
-Below are the guidelines for describing a Bar Chart.+Multiple Modalities can include: 
 +  * Tables 
 +  * Lists 
 +  * Paragraph breaks 
 +  * Even subheadings
-  * Describe only the visual features that convey meaning. +<note>list is often a good way organize complex images, but never simply list the pieces or labels in the imageWhen introducing a listinclude where you are starting and in what direction the list goes (top to bottom, left to rightcounterclockwise, etc.)
-  * Focus on the meaning of symbols and not their appearance. +
-  * Describe the layout of the graph before describing specific data (i.e. "Bar Chart of ..."+
-  * State what the graph is telling you before you describe its details (i.e. The chart shows murder rates in Chicago from 1990 to 2020.+
-  * Include implied visual impact.  +
-  * Provide the most relevant information firstlike what is being measured on the X and Y axes. +
-  * Make sure what you are describing is relevant to the image. Do not simply repeat the titles and labels without providing information about what the graph portrays. +
-  * For unitsuse the full word instead of short forms (exUse “seconds” instead of “s”and ensure the unit is described consistently throughout the description.+
-See examples on [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts|Samples of Alt-Text:Graphs and Charts: Short Descriptions]] or [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts1|Samples of Alt-text: Graphs and Charts Long Descriptions]]+In your list can include the following: 
 +  * The name of the item/part/location you are describing 
 +  * The shape (not needed for maps) 
 +  * The location 
 +  * Proximity (i.e. spatial relationship to other items/parts/locations in the image) 
 +  * Colour (for science images
-<note>For graphs, you can write a summary of the chart and what it is saying then put the data into a table or list for clarity.</note>+=====Word Choice and Details in Description=====
-====Pie chart====+It is very important that the describer understand what they are describing, especially for educational resources. If they get something wrong, then the student and reader will get it wrong as well.
-The description for a pie chart needs to reference the following data elements: +Word choice is paramountBe consistent.
-  * The title of the pie chart. +
-  * The structure and design of the chart. +
-  * The number of variables. +
-  * The data point(s) for each variable. This may be a value, a percentage or both. +
-  * When describing the data, organize the data into size order to help the user with visualizing and understanding the chart. +
-  * Unless colour is integral to understanding the chart, it does not need to be referenced.+
-See examples on [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts|Samples of Alt-Text:Graphs and Charts: Short Descriptions]] or [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts1|Samples of Alt-text: Graphs and Charts Long Descriptions]]+Using the surrounding text the describer will be able to pull terminology for their descriptions. You can also use the dictionary for terms, but if you are working in an educational book the terminology should be found in the surrounding text.
-====Flowcharts and Trees====+Track terminology used, any progression in the image types, and be consistent with terminology. For example, when a simple image is introduced earlier in the book, and then reintroduced later with more details.
-Flowcharts and Trees are all about relationships. Don’t get weighted down on the visuals. Focus on the meaning of symbols and not their appearance. You want to describe the relationships and not the symbols themselves! For example, A line could be Yes or No, or it could be a mother or daughter. Describe what it means and not what it looks like.  
-The description of a flowchart needs to reference the following elements: +======Common Image Types======
-  * The title of the flowchart. +
-  * The structure of the chart and a summary of what it is saying (i.e. The Smiths Family Tree).  +
-  * Number of Tiers or Layers. Describe all the levels first, then start at the beginning and work your way through the flowchart +
-  * When describing a family tree, first describe all the levels, then start at the top and go to the bottom, repeat for each branch. Do not describe any extra visuals. +
-  * Describe pathways through the flowchart to guide the user+
-<note tip>Numbering the squares can help organize flowchartWith Family Trees you only have to state the name, date (if present), and relationships.</note>+The following sections go do deeper dive for particular image types that we commonly come across in our work.
-<note tip>If there is jumping back and forth between different points in the flowchart, then you should mix headings with your list as opposed to nested lists. Headings are easier to navigate back and forth with than nested lists. See the Alt-text Samples for an example.</note> +  * [[public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images:Anatomy_Diagrams|Anatomy and Diagrams with Labels]] 
- +  [[public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images:Flowcharts_Trees|Flowcharts and Trees]] 
-For examples, go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts1|Samples of Alt-textGraphs and Charts Long Descriptions]] and the [[|Poet Centre]] has some great examples you can work through as well! +  * [[public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images:Graphs_Charts|Graphs and Charts]]: Instructions for all types of Graphs and Charts with our most common examples: Bar and Pie Charts 
- +  * [[public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images:maps|Maps]] 
-====Venn Diagrams==== +  * [[public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images:paintings|Paintings]] 
- +  * [[public:nnels:etext:images:complex_images:Venn_diagrams|Venn Diagrams]]
-A Venn Diagram consists of a list of elements interacting with each other to form sets. Your description should trace the diagram in a clockwise direction and list each interaction and the sets created by those interactions. +
- +
-The description of a Venn Diagram needs to reference the following elements +
-  * State the number of variables and the labels. +
-  * Identify the focus or gateway point. +
-  * Identify the pathway (left to right or clockwise depending on the style of Venn diagram). +
-  * Reference the labels as you move through the pathway identifying the interactions +
- +
-For examples, go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#graphs_charts1|Samples of Alt-text: Graphs and Charts Long Descriptions]].+
 <note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note> <note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note>
-=====Paintings=====+<note tip>If you want more support on writing long descriptions beyond this written documentation. We recommend you check out the following webinars: 
 +  * [[|The Art and Science of Describing Images Part Two]] DAISY webinar that goes into describing Maps, Graphs, and Charts 
 +  * [[|The Art and Science of Describing Images Part Three]] DAISY webinar that goes into describing Artwork and Anatomy 
 +  * [[|Implementing Extended Descriptions in Digital Publications, Best Practices and Practical Advice]] DAISY webinar on how to create Long Description in an ebook. This is a bit more technical and talks more about how to code the pieces of the book and where to put the information. 
 +These are all very helpful with learning about writing complex long descriptions.</note>
-Depending on the context, painting may need a complex descriptionThese can be especially complicated and overwhelming since art is so subjective, and if it requires a long description then the painting may be very detailed. Like all long descriptions, break it down into logical parts and start describing.+<note>The average writing time for Complex image is ''35 minutes per image''The average editing time is ''25 minutes per image'' 
-The description of a Painting needs to reference the following elements: +<note tip>Sometimes images will require so research on your end and will take longer than average. For example, when describing art, you want to use the right terminology for the style of art you are describing and a quick search on the art piece or artist can help. This is also try for culturally specific items. For more information, go to [[public:nnels:etext:glossary_of_terms|Glossary of Alt-text Terms]] and [[public:nnels:etext:images:general_guidelines|General Guidelines]].</note>
-  * An overview of the artwork piece including style +
-  * the title  +
-  * a brief description of the main components+
-<note>Often this is enough, and can go into the Alt-text with no long description required. If the context calls for more then proceed with a long description.</note> 
-The [[|Poet Centre]] has a few tutorials on writing Alt-text for paintings that are very helpful.  +<note tip>Go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:writing_tip_point_form|Writing TipUsing Point Form Technique]] for a breakdown on how you can start the writing process</note>
- +
-For a complex description it is important to consider the context for which you need the description. This may include: +
- +
-  * The painting style +
-  * The color and composition +
-  * The style and location of the figures/elements in the image +
-  * Allegorical Meaning +
-  * Historical Context +
- +
-For examples, go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#paintings|Alt-text Samples: Paintings]]. +
- +
-<note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note> +
- +
-=====Anatomy and Diagrams with Labels===== +
- +
-Unlike other long descriptions described above, shapes are important to Anatomy and Diagrams with Labels. Spatial relationships are also essential. You do not want to simply list all the labels without context or relations. Remember, you want to walk the reader through the diagram, and you should be able to recreate the image from your description. +
- +
-The description of an Anatomy Image or Diagram with Labels needs to reference the following elements: +
- +
-  * Include the shapes of the parts and where they are located in relation to each other. +
-  * Spatial relationships, how they are related to each other, their shape +
- +
-<note>You can still have this in a list format, just add this additional info beyond the labels.</note> +
- +
-For examples, go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt_text_examples#human_anatomy_and_diagrams|Alt-text SamplesAnatomy and Diagrams with Labels]] +
- +
-<note tip>If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]]</note> +
- +
-<note>The average writing time for a Complex image is ''35 minutes per image''. The average editing time is ''25 minutes per image'' +
-</note> +
-<note tip>Sometimes images will require so research on your end and will take longer than average. For example, when describing art, you want to use the right terminology for the style of art you are describing and a quick search on the art piece or artist can help. This is also try for culturally specific items. For more information, go to [[public:nnels:etext:glossary_of_terms|Glossary of Alt-text Terms]] and [[public:nnels:etext:images:general_guidelines|General Guidelines]].</note>+
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public/nnels/etext/images/complex_images.1685385400.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/29 18:36 by rachel.osolen