Image Description Checklist

Below is a basic checklist for how to describe an image.

Alt-text replaces the image with text so people with screen readers have the equal access to all information in an eText. The most important question to ask yourself is: What is this image telling the reader?

This is just a general checklist, remember to always follow the General Guidelines and the other resources in this wiki (including the examples.) Context is always key, and this checklist may not cover every image you describe.
Describing images for Human Narration is similar to eText, except for the length of the description. Go to Human Narration: Image Descriptions for more instructions

Getting Started

Write Image Descriptions in a Word doc first. Here is an example document. Here is a quick video explaining how to set it up. Remember to share the document with the Editor access.

When Writing

Structure may change based on image type and context. When in doubt post on the Alt-Text Q&A!
Go to Writing Tip: Using Point Form Technique for a breakdown on how you can start the writing process
You can find examples of many types of images on Alt-text Examples

Final Steps

If you have any questions, post your question on the Alt-Text Q&A

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