User Tools

Routing Functions

Domain Name Service

  • DNS can be delivered in most routing products. It involves the translation of an Internet address (usually in the form 123.456.789.000) to a name such as There are two parts to DNS use. First, your ISP will use a Domain Name Server so that you can access hosts by their Domain Name as shown above. You can also choose to use a different DNS Server, which can be a remote service or resident in a device on your premises.
  • When owning or hosting a web site, DNS involves registering a name you wish to use with a Domain Registrar. This is a paid service and there are many choices of Domain Registrar in Canada. As an example, the CIRA is the Domain Registrar for the .ca DN extension.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • NAT involves the translation of a non-routable private address into an address identifying devices on your site to the Internet. Appendix 1 contains a more detailed explanation of the need for this element of network administration.
  • This is a standard function in most routers and should not be a separate cost item.

Network Segmentation (VLAN)

  • A virtual local area network is a logical segment of a network that groups devices from different physical LAN's. Large networks are often set up using VLANs to partition the network into separate traffic streams, which can improve response times for important business purposes.
  • Virtual LANs are a standard method of supporting different physical networks such as the wired ethernet and the WiFI service on your premises network.
  • This is a standard function in most routers and customization would be a normal responsibility of the technical support contract with your network support company.

public/network-tech-guide/routing_functions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 22:04 (external edit)