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How to Manage and Download Titles in Batches

Under Construction

Mark a project for download on the project page.

This will open the project status page where you can see the projects that are marked for download. You can use the filter at the top to limit the listing.

If a DAISY project is marked for download but then is modified, it won't be downloaded when you download the batch. There is no check for this yet for EPUB, and any EPUB projects that are listed will include a warning under the status table.

The program is linked under the account menu for admin accounts and QA.

Download the file for Windows or mac, and unzip it.

It downloads projects from the QA account to a projects folder by default, but you can change these if you want. There's information in the readme file included in the zip file, but let me know if something doesn't make sense.

When you run it, it creates a log file that lists the projects that are downloaded. This is overwritten each time it is run. You likely don't need to do anything with this in most cases unless something doesn't work properly, and then it may help to include the contents in a bug report. On the server, it also logs the list of projects that are available for download and when each is completed, but any errors in the client aren't sent back to the server.

There's no way to cancel a batch in progress except with a keyboard interrupt command, but you can leave the terminal window open in the background while you do something else.

After the downloads are finished, reload the project page. They will have a status of Downloaded. There is a section at the bottom of the status page that lists the downloaded projects, and will let you delete them. The status filter at the top doesn't apply to the Delete Downloaded Projects section, only to the projects table.

I haven't done a lot of work to check that the downloaded status gets cleared properly if the project is changed, though it does get cleared if the export is reset. I should probably also clear it on export, and will add that to a future update soon. For now, if you download using the batch downloader and then find you need to edit a project further, you can manually set the status on the project page to either unmark it or mark for download again.

Sorry about the manual steps here. There will likely be another manual download after I get the updater working, but that won't be immediate priority at the moment since I am going to document the producer's note feature and work on Laetitia's issue with the export page.


Move or delete any files out of the projects folder to make sure you don't lose any you've already downloaded.

I realized I was a bit unclear on the individual project pave versus the Manage Projects page that lists the status for all of them. When you use the mark for download option on an individual project page, it opens the Manage Projects page. The Manage Projects page is the one to refresh once the downloads are finished.

There's also a link to the Manage Projects page on the home page which you've likely seen already.

The old downloader won't work anymore so you can delete the zip and extracted folder if you like.

Download the version from the website: go to Account menu > Batch Download Client and download the Mac version.

Extract it.

Right click removeQuarantine.command and choose open. You'll get a confirmation about running untrusted software. Allow it to run. You should get a terminal window with a message about removing the quarantine attribute.

Close the terminal once it's done.

The configuration is set to download from QA to the projects folder. You can change the path in copdl.ini if you want, otherwise leave as is.

Double click copdl and it should start downloading files.

The removeQuarantine step only needs to be done the first time after you extract it. You can just run copdl the next time and it should download the next batch.

Let me know if you have any trouble with it.

public/nnels/mp3todaisy/batch-download.1708716793.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/23 11:33 by rachel.osolen