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Passing RT Ticket Back to Production Coordinator

If you are a Production Assistant, remember to also pass the RT ticket back to the Production Coordinator after you export the book and pass it to QA.

After you have exported your project and passed it to QA, you now need to pass the RT ticket to the Production Coordinator.

To pass a ticket back in RT:

  • Enter the time (in minutes) you worked on the book in the Time Worked field in RT. You will find this in the ticket's Basics tab. The default should already be Minutes.
  • Transfer your RT ticket to Rachel (rachel.osolen) who can then be notified to take a look.
  • You can transfer your ticket by changing the owner of the ticket. Go to the Basics tab and then the Owner field. Type in the name of the person you want to assign the ticket to.

To add a comment and pass ticket in RT:

  • Go to Actions drop down menu on the top left navigational menu for the ticket.
  • Select Comment
  • Enter the comment into the comment field, and cc the person you want the comment to go to (this is not needed, but will ensure the comment goes into their inbox and can help ensure they see it.)
  • Change the owner to Production Coordinator

Return to Renaming and Reordering Tracks

public/nnels/mp3todaisy/passing_rt_ticket_back_to_production_coordinator.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 22:04 (external edit)