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Capitalization Exception

Converter Plus automatically corrects the capitalization of Track Names and Metadata.

If a word is being capitalized incorrectly, you can use the text box in the Capitalization Exception section to enter the way it should appear. This can often happen for Acronyms and Abbreviations.

You can turn off automated capitalization on the following pages:

Please see these pages for more information.

This section is located at the bottom of the Track Names section below the Track Naming link.

To enter an exception:

  • Open the drop menu for Capitalization Exception by clicking the arrow.
  • Enter the proper Capitalization into the text box labelled Exception
  • Select the button labelled Remember
  • Edit the Track Name or Metadata field with the correct Capitalization
  • Once saved it should now be correct!
If the word is already in the list, you will receive a pop up message that the word can not be added. If you have any issues with this feature please use the Hand to Rachel feature.

Here is a video tutorial for using this feature:

Return to Track Names

public/nnels/mp3todaisy/capitalization-exceptions/capitalization-execptions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 22:04 (external edit)