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public:nnels:etext:q_a [2024/03/04 20:30]
public:nnels:etext:q_a [2024/05/09 07:31]
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 +Q: I have a couple of questions for "Stories to Warm the Heart at Christmas". Thanks!
-Q: Follow up question about the timeline lists in NKJV Life Application Study Bible. I’m not sure if ordered or unordered lists are better. Most of the events already have dates associated with themwhich means could use an unordered list with multiple levels for the multiple events. However, the first two events in the first image of the timeline has two events that are undated; think an ordered list would more clearly show where those events are in the sequenceWhat do you think?+1. Right after the cover page there is a label-like page for gifting the book (as seen in (A) in the image below). I was unsure how to format this or if it should be removed. 
 +2. At the end of each story there is a small poem or quotation in a stylized box (as seen in (B) in the image below). I wondered if these should be in text boxes or just be under a heading level 2. 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:storieschristmas.jpg?400 |}} 
 +Q: A 2-part question about notes in what appear to be headings in Part 7 (Psalms) of NKJV Life Application Study Bible. 
 +  - For our purposes, can a heading have a note in it? 
 +  - Are these even headings? In the following examplesee the text that reads: “To the Chief Musician, a contemplation of the sons of Korah” (bottom of left page and top of right page). identified this text as a heading rather than body text because the font size and style matches what is used for headings in previous sections. However, I think it could make sense as body text, too… 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:headingnotesqa.jpg |}} 
 +A: What page in the ebook is this located on? 
 +Q pt 2: It seems as though the size of the font changes the page numbers... There are several instances within Psalms, which you can access through the TOC. The first instance is actually in Psalm 5, also 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 etc. (gave a later example in my original question to show the difference in the font size between the body text under head H2 "Book TwoPsalms 42-72."
 ---- ----
 +Q: A couple of questions for Blood on the Breakwater.
-Q: In the NKJV Life Application Study Biblein the section Chronology of Bible Events and World Events” there are 10 images over 5 pages that are separate sections of timelineShould these be treated as Two-Page Spreadwhere the full description goes with the first image, or can treat it like children’s Two-Page Spreadwhere we say that the second image is a continuation of the firstThe description will pretty much just be two long lists of events (one for Biblical and one for world), I thinkso I suppose it’s a matter of if fewer lists are better than more, and how it will be formatted in the Complex Image Descriptions section.+1. At the very end of the book (page 229), there is a message from the author. I initially gave this the heading 'Message from the Author', but thought I should check with you.  
 +2. Also, the section 'Kids books by Jean Paetkau:' occurs both at the end of the book (on the same page as the message from the author) and directly following the publishing information - is this okay? 
 +Here is the screenshot for both questions:{{ :public:nnels:etext:bloodonbreakwater.jpg?400 |}} 
 +A: Remove both. 
 +Q: In the BC Gov Doc “Service Delivery for Purposes of Scoping Cost and Timelines for Translation,” there is table with an asterisk in two cells, and each asterisk leads to the same note directly below the tableCan I use an endnote or is there another way to handle notes within tables? 
 +Here is snip from the original, the asterisks crudely highlighted. 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:footnote.jpg?600 |}} 
 +A: You can use an endnote. 
 +Q: For the book Fathered by Godthere are some advertisements at the very end. I have copied the image of the one that is giving me trouble. I was a little unsure how to format this and if the text at the top should be a heading, or possible a subheading of the 'Where do go from here?' section that directly proceeds it (I had also wondered if the cover images here are decorative but from previous question I see that they are, phew!). Thanks! 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:fatheredquestion.jpg?400 |}} 
 +A: You can remove these advertisements. 
 +Q: In the book Resilient: Restoring your Weary Soul in these Turbulent Timesthere are short sections between two adjacent chapters. Their headings are in capital (see example). It seems that they are not the sub-headings within each chapter. Could you please suggest how to define their level of headingThanks. 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:resilient_3.png?400 |}} 
 +A: These are subheadings. Style them in the correct heading hierarchy. See You can learn more about headings at [[public:nnels:etext:headings|Understanding and Using Headings]]. 
 +Q: In the book Resilient: Restoring your Weary Soul in these Turbulent Times, there are asterisk notes in text and annotations without headings at the end of the book. Could I mark these asterisks as normal endnotes and add a heading 1 “Annotations” for these annotations? 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:resilient_4.png?400 |}} 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:resilient_5.png?400 |}} 
 +A: We never put headings in the endnote section. You can format these into the endnotes of the document. There is documentation on this found on the [[public:nnels:etext:notes|Footnotes / Endnotes page]]. 
 +Q: In the book Resilient: Restoring your Weary Soul in these Turbulent Timesthere are short paragraphs separated by the above and bottom lines (See image below please). It seems that they are in the narrative flow. Could put content breaks above and bottom each aside sectioninstead of using a textbox? Thanks! 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:resilient_1.png?400 |}} 
 +A: These are styled as textboxes in the original. Please reformat them in the Word document as [[public:nnels:etext:textboxes_and_sidebars|textboxes]]. 
 +Q: In the book Resilient: Restoring your Weary Soul in these Turbulent Times, there are many aside sections “Skill” (See attached image below). Should I use content breaks above and below each aside section? Or can I use the textbox? 
 +{{ :public:nnels:etext:resilient_2.png?400 |}}
-{{ :public:nnels:etext:timelineeg.jpg?600 |}}+AThese are not asides, they are subsections. Format as a heading that following the heading hierarchy of the chapter. It is also a split heading, so you will have to format it as: ''Skills: Receiving the River of Life''. You can learn more about headings at [[public:nnels:etext:headings|Understanding and Using Headings]].
 ---- ----
-Q:  In Chapter 38 of the novel Where White Horses Gallop there is a recipe (as seen in the attached image) between two paragraphs. I wasn't sure what additional formatting I should do here - at first I had put the ingredients in an unordered list but then wondered if the whole thing should be instead styled as a blockquote. Thanks!+Q: In Chapter 38 of the novel Where White Horses Gallop there is a recipe (as seen in the attached image) between two paragraphs. I wasn't sure what additional formatting I should do here - at first I had put the ingredients in an unordered list but then wondered if the whole thing should be instead styled as a blockquote. Thanks!
 {{ :public:nnels:etext:whitehorses_chapter38_recipe.png?400 |}} {{ :public:nnels:etext:whitehorses_chapter38_recipe.png?400 |}}
public/nnels/etext/q_a.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/11 17:02 by rachel.osolen