Add a New Book for OverDrive Projects

OverDrive titles can be problematic when uploading to Converter Plus. This page goes over the current workflow with how to work around this issue, and will be updated as this feature is developed.

Navigate to the Add Book page from the main welcome page. On this page there are three sections:

  1. Import Project
  2. Sideload Book
  3. Upload Book

See below for further instructions.

You can use OverDrive metadata during Batch Mode. You can turn this function on in you Account Settings.

Step One: Sideload or Upload Project

If a book you are adding has a similar project name to one already in your account, you may get an error when sideloading or uploading it. The error says: Error: Cannot add this file. Your account already contains a file or project with a similar name.

To Sideload a project for:

To Upload a file from your computer:

Step 2: Import Book with OverDrive Metadata

Once you have successfully Sideloaded or Uploaded your project, you can now Import the title with the OverDrive metadata.

To Import with OverDrive Metadata:

Here is a video tutorial walking you through the entire process.

You can now start working on the project. See Return to Renaming and Reordering Tracks for further instructions.

Resetting Project with OverDrive Metadata to Project without OverDrive Metadata

If you already have the project uploaded to your profile with the OverDrive Metadata, but you no longer want to use the OverDrive Metadata, you have two options to reset the project.

First option is to Remove the Project and Add it again:

The second option is to reimport the project:

Please note, this is a hard reset on the project and anything you have done up to this point on this project will be erased and you will have to start from the beginning again.

Here is a video walking you through both options.