This is an old revision of the document!
This page is the instructions for how to use Converter Plus (formally NAC). As this is an ongoing project, this page is subject to updates as we improve the application and workflow.
The purpose of Converter Plus is to perform a rapid DAISY conversion, requiring as little human intervention as possible. Moreover, all required interaction takes place in one simple phase, so operators need not return to the computer to complete a conversion. The interface is clean and simple, so is entirely accessible to screen readers. Independent of any particular device or platform, a conversion can be requested from virtually any web-capable device anywhere in the world. Finally, because the original audio files are not modified, the quality of the input tracks is not affected by a conversion.
The following are some links on general information:
Now to dive into using Converter Plus! Converter Plus (COP) works best for Chrome and the newest version of Edge.
First, you will need to navigate to the Converter in your web browser.
Your First Name
You are now in your profile for Converter plus. On this page, you can choose to either:
NNELS DAISY Conversions
queue in RT. If in doubt, please contact the Production Coordinator.
Now that you have your book uploaded you can start making any necessary changes.
You should now be on the project page that displays the file name at the top of the page with the phrase is now open
Below you will find a list of options under What would you like to do?
Remove the Project
deletes it from the server.Each title needs to go through a quality assurance check before it can be downloaded and published. This section is for any staff assigned to QA.