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Place to list questions for session on how to get the most out of the Coop wiki

  • how do I move a page? And are there conventions we should follow to notify people when we *do* move pages?
  • how do I archive a page if I am unsure whether I should delete it?
    • cf z_archive namespace; rename pages to "old_namespace_pagename"
  • are there any tricks for making tables easier? (yes)
  • how can I get two column display on a page?
  • what are some of the macros and other extensions I can use to make wiki pages work better?
  • how do you do that slideshow trick?
  • how do you create the Check boxes in list format (To Do list?)
  • There are two namespaces on pages like this one, one for pages that have a :start namespace, and another for pages which do not. What are some good conventions to use when creating a new page?
    • so to create a namespace you create a new page but with a trailing colon, like newspace:
    • however, ideally you would create a new namespace by creating a new index page first, like newspace:start. Any page named "start" is the default index page for a space.
    • to create a new page, easiest way is to simply edit the URL and create a new path. Also easy to create a link on an existing page, then click through to it.

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wiki/orientation.1418756364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/16 18:59 by scott.leslie