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Using Email in MS365

The Onboarding page should have got you up and running with your basic login and access to Co-op email account. However there are a number of other steps and considerations to starting to use email on MS365.

Installing the the Thick Clients/Applications

Once you have gone through the onboarding process, you likely will also want to install desktop clients, which are available for email (Outlook) as well as all productivity apps (Word, Excel etc) and the Teams client for collaboration. These are all available as part of the Co-op's license and can be installed on up to 3 computers if need be. Instructions on how to install the thick clients are available at

Learning to Use Outlook Every Co-op staff member is hopefully a member of a public library. For those in BC, libraries have licensed LinkedIn Learning which is full of helpful tutorials to help you learn how to use both Outlook and MS365 better. Here are some links to helpful tutorials to get you started:


One of the big advantages of MS365 is very active spam and phishing protection at a level that is challenging for any indivual small business to sustain themselves. However, it is not perfect and can result in "false positives," i.e. messages marked as spam that aren't.

If you are expecting a message but it has not arrived, one step is to check your Junk Email folder. If indeed the message is located in there, right click on 'Report Junk' and select the option 'Not Junk.' This will move the message back into your inbox but also help the anti-spam algorithm know this is not a sender to be as concerned about.

It is HIGHLY recommended to go through your 'Junk Email' folder on a weekly basis and scan for messages that have been false flagged as spam. These false positives should reduce over time but especially in the first months of adopting the system it is a critical step in training the system.

Similarly, some junk email may still get through. Rather than just deleting this, it is important to right click and under the 'Report Junk' menu item and mark the item as 'Junk.' this will greatly increase the ability of the algorithm to detect similar messages in the future both for you and the rest of the organization.

public/ms365/email.1673552325.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/12 19:38 by scott.leslie