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Working with Files in MS365

Major Concepts to Understand

One of the major conceptual hurdles we found in setting up MS365 was that it you can access files (and often other elements) from multiple ways. You can choose to only ever interact with MS365 via your web browser. For Linux desktop users, this will be the ONLY way you can access it.

If you are a Mac or Windows user, you can also install the OneDrive (and Teams) apps on your local computer, and with a few other small steps, see those same files from the web groups and teams you participate in on yourlocal computer. As well, where you can edit them locally and then they will sync back to the cloud.

And you can use either method once you have them set up and enabled. Which can be powerful, but also confusing.

Why would you want to use the Desktop over the Web Browser Approach?

"Your" OneDrive versus Shared OneDrive Folders

Another thing that is confusing at first when you start to use the OneDrive application on your local machine is that initially it sets up a personal OneDrive folder. These are YOUR files. By default, while they sync to the cloud, they are not shared with others. You *can* share these, but you are the owner and in control of these.

This is distinct from files that have been shared from Groups or Sharepoint or Teams. Those are shared _with you_ but will appear in a different folder than your personal OneDrive. And they will only be sync'd (i.e. a copy brought down off the cloud to your local machine) locally if you choose to actively instruct Microsoft to do so.

How do I tell MS I want a group or team folder to be replicated locally?

How to locate the OneDrive folders for Mac Users

Mac users - when OneDrive is installed locally, the actual physical file paths to the folders are

  • /Users/_username_/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BCLibrariesCo-operative for your PERSONAL onedrive, and
  • /Users/_username_/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-SharedLibraries-BCLibrariesCo-operative for any shares from groups or teams that you have opted to sync to your desktop

Note that last part is important - unless you specifically go into the various sharepoint group documents folders and teams document folders and tell them to "sync" those will remain on the server only.

How to locate the OneDrive folders for Windows Users

How to share/collaborate on files with other people in the organization?

How to share/collaborate on files with someone outside the organization?

public/ms365/files.1674675849.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/25 19:44 by scott.leslie