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Frequently Asked Questions

Are MS365 and Office365 the same thing?

Yes, you will hear these terms used interchangeably and they both refer to the cloud-based productivity suite offered by Microsoft (which includes desktop apps that can connect to the cloud based servers) which the Co-op has adopted in early 2023

How can I learn to use MS365 Better?

We are going to try to set up our MS365 environment in a way that hopefully makes sense for staff at the Co-op and that they will recognize the teams they are on and where to find things they need. However this is still a new tool and there will be a learning curve.

Throughout MS365 there is extensive Help typically located by clicking on the Question Mark icon at the top right hand side of the screen. However, if you are wanting to get a broader overview of the system, all public libraries in BC have access to LinkedIn Learning which has a large number of courses and videos available related to MS365. Here are a few that may help to get you started:

Will MS365 Replace Sync?

Yes, MS365 wil lcompletely replace the use of Sync in the progsanization, indeed accessibility issues with Sync were ones of the reasons we needed to find a different solution. Once file migration is completed, the Co-op will be discontinuing it's sync subscription entirely.

Will MS365 Replace Google Docs?

In short, yes.

Google Drive/Docs have been used widely at the Co-op but have never been a fully sanctioned tool. They became popular because of the ease of online collaboration they offered. A major consideration in choosing a new Office Suite was that it offer similar capabilties, and MS365 allows users to either edit synchronously via the web application or else to edit the "same" document, shared via OneDrive/Teams, on their desktop using the rich applications. This not only matches but exceeds the capabilities of Google docs and does so in a fully accessible way.

Will MS365 Replace Zoom?

It is very possible that eventually, as we get comfortable with the Teams app and its synchronous video capabilites, that we will drop our zoom subscriptions. This will be revisted after AGM 2023 or before the next license renewal in zoom.

public/ms365/frequently_asked_questions.1673998120.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/17 23:28 by scott.leslie