This presumes you have been added to a mailing list that the Co-op hosts and that the list owner has directed you here for information on how to view the web archives or change your subscription preferences.
If you prefer a video, we've created a short screencast of the same instructions
To begin, go to Once there, under the top right-hand menu for "Login" select "First Login?"
This will take you to a page where you enter the email with which you are subscribed to the list.
This will send an email with a password reset link.
Clicking that link will bring you back to the mailing list website to page where you can set the password for your account.
Once you've set this, you will be logged into the system (and can then log in at any time by going to
Once you have logged in, you can perform a number of actions for the lists you subscribe (you may be subscribed to multiple as the Co-op hosts mailnig lists for a number of BC member organizations.) To see your lists, click Home
and then click "My Lists"
From there you can either go to the general List management page or jump directly to the archives, which are also searchable.
There is also an "advanced search" feature which allows you to constrain the search to specific dates, search by sender email or subject line as well as other variables.
Finally the archive can be viewed chronologically
or by "threaded view" which can be useful in cases where there has been a discussion, especially with multiple posts
In addition to viewing the archives, the list management page will allow you to both change your list "reception mode" settings as well as suspend delivery of mail altogether for a period of time.
The help beside the "Receiving Mode" gives all of the choices, which are summarized below. Generally the important ones to note are "Digest" (which will combine all emails for the week into a single email) and "not receiving your own posts."
Mailing List Reception modes
To suspend mail altogether either set the reception mode to "no email" or, if just for a vacation, you can use the "Suspend subscription" function to add start and stop dates for when mail should not be delivered.