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Wiki's For Knowledge Management

VILSC 2018
Scott Leslie
BC Libraries Cooperative


Who are you?

Do you currently wiki? If not - why not?

Who am I?

some things about the Coop:

  • we're not a library. we have a lot of tech-saavy people on staff.
  • we do open source as exclusively as possible
  • we are super cost-aware, don't like to spend when we don't have to

Why Wiki?

  • easy collaborative document editing and creation
  • easy search and browse
  • improve transparency and help reduce silos
  • anticipate knowledge growth even before it happens


  • open source, mature, lots of plugins -
  • document based, not database
  • git backed, which means key staff can have an offline version of the wiki on their laptops
  • ability to move pages and namespaces (means you don't have to get it perfect the first time)


  • access control - can control both visibility and editabling; can include public sections
  • re-skinning; the nav bars are actually wiki pages!
  • easily embed other content calendars list of google docs in a folder
  • can host structured data and offer ways to export it?

How we made it work

  • if you have even a few people using it - don't kill it, build on it!
  • redesign, info architecture
  • gardening! together and separately

Is wiki always the way? NO

  • very small groups/locations - a binder may make a ton more sense
  • non-volatile information - may not be the best way to handle official policy docs you don't want edited
public/wikis_for_knowledge_management.1524254152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/20 19:55 by scott.leslie